Research activities


     List of publications.

Preprints and preprint version of the publications (ps and pdf files):


Team work:

List of collaborators.

Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews and for Zentralblatt.

For instance see MR1815022 (2002a:82007), MR2178606 (2006e:81363) , and Zbl 1171.3502.

Organizer of the workshop:

"Spectral problems in quantum dynamics", march 22, 2010.

PHD Student in Cergy (September 2015 - December 2018): Alexandre Martin.

PHD Student in Cergy (September 2013 - February 2017): Aiman Mbarek.

PHD Student in Rennes 1 (September 2006 - June 2009): Dorian Le Peutrec.

September 2005 - september 2007, responsible for the:

PDE group seminar in Rennes 1.

Member of Francis Nier's "ACI jeune chercheur":

"Systèmes hors-équilibre quantiques et classiques"

Co-organizer of the workshop:

Cinhypwit , IRMAR Rennes, from 24/02/03 to 28/02/03.

Co-organizer of the conference:

Journées de scattering, IRMAR Rennes, september 13th and 14th, 2001.

PhD thesis (in french):

pdf format.

Habilitation thesis (in french):

pdf , ps.

Other contributions (in french):

Some relations involving fundamental constants (2014): pdf .

Thinking about games (2000): (.ps), (.pdf).